1 & 2 THESSALONIANS: Bible Keywording Guide (Digital Download: COPYRIGHT PROTECTED)

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Time and again, followers of Jesus Christ who seek to know God on a deeper level through His Word are paralyzed with fear as soon as they open their Bibles. Why? Because they start asking those ever terrifying questions. Where do I start? What should I focus on? Should I mark things? What if I make a mistake? Where's my gigantic yellow highlighter?

Questions like these are exactly why the Bible Keywording Guides exist.

Bible Keywording Guides (also known as BKGs) are for people who long to deepen their understanding of God's Word through a fun and methodical study of a Bible book. Whether you're a new student of the Bible or a seasoned soldier of Christ, the BKGs are sure to teach you something new and exciting!


  • SIMPLICITY - The BKG will give you a comprehensive list of all the key words in each book you're studying. You won't have to waste any time trying to determine which words and concepts you should be focusing on.
  • ORIGINAL LANGUAGES - Not only will you have a complete list of key words, but you will know where those words occur in the original language and see precisely how they are related to each other and other words. (See inside for more details).
  • FASTER AND EASIER STUDY - Once your Bible is marked, you will immediately notice the important things next time you open it to study.
  • YOUR BIBLE WILL BE BEAUTIFUL - Whether you use the suggested symbols in the guides or make up your own, you'll be the proud owner of an accurately marked and eye-catching Bible.

So leave your paint rollers (highlighters) in the drawer...you're using a dynamic and multicolored system now! Mark meaningfully. Mark confidently. Engage in this process and see how the Bible Keywording Guide will take you beyond the highlighter and bring you to a whole new level of Bible study!

For more information, visit Beyond the Highlighter's website.